New Team Members Orientation

Welcome to the new Team Members Orientation, where we share with you all the expectations and resources that are filled with lessons that can truly change your life over the course of this induction program.

This program is all about diving deep into figuring out the purpose of God for you as His disciple genrally and more specifically the role you get to play here at Families Arising. But it’s not just about understanding; it’s also about discovering who you are, finding what you love, and getting a clearer picture of why God put you here.

Through these sessions, you’ll uncover the plan God has just for you, helping you embrace who you are and what you’re meant to do as part of His team. It’s an exciting journey of self-discovery within God’s greater plan for your life.

Get ready for an exciting journey discovering why God brought you here as a part of the team here at Families Arising!

Access Resources for the Orientation for Team Members here

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Course Information